It’s all about where we can go in the next 100, 250, 500 years. The Universe may not be the limit …

The ridiculously BOLD claim …

probably is not bold enough.

It’s not the secret sauce of Annotify, but actually the neuro-secret-sauce of neuroadvantaged cognitive differences in of human selected based on how they might complement an optimized team … and, although we might have a trick or two up our sleeve, this is not really that secret.

It’s really about how humans GET SMART.

We are not born that smart; we Get Smart.

It is the revisions that perfect our understanding … we are always perfecting, using our working hypotheses, trying things, failing and troubleshooting … we might react emotionally, but we GET IT and then drive toward neural connection to be more ready in the future.

Unlike connections in silicon, biological, carbon-based neural connections are fluid … the intelligence and capacity for logic does not pre-exist … the intellect is formed from chaos; our neural connections are not exactly the result of carefully compiled programming – the biological, carbon-based neural connections are result of chaos and our making sense of chaos.

Humans perfect their intellect; it did not start perfect – we are continually perfecting it.

This is wabi sabi … a LIVING, organic process … not something we buy … wabi sabi DEVELOPS out of the acceptance and utilitization of transience and imperfection … it is ancient Zen concept derived from the Buddhist teaching of the three marks of existence (三法印, sanbōin), specifically impermanence (無常, mujō), suffering (苦, ku) and emptiness or absence of self-nature (空, kū).

Someone will accomplish the general strategy … we expect that there will be [or actually already are] lots of projects soon working on delivering this vision … it amounts to tools, mechods, technologies which help optimize the neuroadvantage of the cognitively-diverse human knowledgeworker team. We are espectially excited about [LabML AI] and their neural network implementations or annotated deep learning implementations These are great times to be alive!

Along with machines, it is neural process engineering of human workflows will make human work more enjoyable … but more importantly it will also make work explosively, cosmically, orders of magnitude more creative.

This will mean that the Kardasev Type V civilizations or other formulations that are about knowledge / messaging rather than energy within reach of human kind. It all comes out of the development of HYBRID intelligence … which is a product of BOTH our LIVING carbon-based neurological brains … AND from lifeless silicon-based swarms of processors will be a much larger DIFFERENCE than anything we have seen in information technology, because informatiion technology is only based upon a doped transistor and the simplistic logic of lots of switches.

Hybrid intelligence encompasses the entire human use of technology for hybrid intelligence … but allows for our knowledge work to optimized for team performance … it transcends what the individual can accomplish and looks at how the sum can be greater than the parts. Hybrid intelligence is necessarily complex … and necessarily driven by things like emotion, mood and love.

People enamored of tech often forget that humans are still far better at thinking than machines are … in part, it’s because they forget that AI-savvy humans with ML chops are developing the architecture of the code and devising the strategies for using the machines. So, of course …Hybrid human-machine intelligence will necessarily trump machine intelligence {HINT: There is no approaching singularity.}

It’s not JUST that capable humans with skills/tools and control of machines will better than just the tools or just the machines, there are also technologies coming along [like hopefully AnnotifyApp] that will actually start making human thinking better, more creative, more enlightened.

It is not magic or new-agey … it comes from simple measurements which are now quite routine, like measuring high beta or beta 3 brain waves to optimize [usually reducing] stress levels to a meditative state for optimal life-balance and peak creative performance. Beyond that, this kind of technology will also measure/track merit, reputation, reactions and COGNITIVE performance … this will go way beyond just commitgraphs, ie which are nice, but commitgraph heatmaps with links are still only the equivalent of a completion-smiley faces on pre-school work of a child … *yeah, they make a kid feel good and it proves that the kid is getting along okay in school, but ….”

Moreover, when human feedback is combined with verifiable, validated measurement systems scoring quality and merit of work as well as commentary upon work, we expect to see BOTH a corresponding explosion in human cognitive performance, but we also expect to see managers scientifically-select and coach their team members for better contributions to the team.

This is not one bit futuristic … it’s just the application of the same strategy that we have seen this in professional sports for at least five decades. It comes down to all kinds of different measurements of abilities, tendencies and the endless scrutiny of game film … and the corresponding application of additional professional coaching, massaging, rehabbing, etc. Of course, pro sports of easier; not just that it’s only stop watches and physical movements on camera, the athletes bought in to being guinea pigs in order to win championships, become celebrities and be immortalized in halls of fame. It’s a little tougher getting a cyncial rocket engineer with a pocket protector to go along with that much poking and prodding …

Nonetheless, we have the tools and science to measure and optimize neurohealth, to make life better and to optimize knowledgework – we already have technologies that measure things like brain wave patterns … but only the start, ie like the first circuit testers or multimeters or oscilloscopes were in elementary electrical circuits, but the neurological measurement tool and biofeedback methods will improve and improve and improve … along the way, we will record our hunches and observations in [private] annotations and we will use AI/ML to help gather intell and notify us to aid our efforts to really, really SEE more hyperspectrally in the different realms of human knowledge work … there’s way more to come …