sits on the massive shoulders of the expanding Git multiverse

The theology of is that Git was like the Big Bang; in this theology, the Git BigBang is still being developed to be Bigger Bangier Git.

Annotify exists in order to be able to focus better … SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY, SIMPLIFY

by more efficiently collect/stash notes on different ideas to develop a better workflow in Git repositories which can have notification and search triggers so that somebody can remember/restart the idea. Annotify, in its current version is mostly just a collection of open source Git hacks and best practices – ultimately, as we get to release 0.0.0 of an actual app, we will attempt to automate these hacks with code. is a list attempting to evolve into a development community will ALWAYS be about what OTHER people are developing. will NEVER seek to be the center of attention … attention is for the AWESOME devs extending workflow tools that use Git. By the most important founding principle of its original design, cannot possibly outshine Git. If you prefer a different workflow on the surface, anybody can get down to business, thinker, design and ultimately implement that workflow … underneath everything it will still use some form of Git, will like use the best Git host going and, if your following the model, your data will behave like it’s from a Git repository … the most ambitious goal for something is to HELP organize, coordinate, prioritize annotations to events from ALL email, ALL txt, ALL Slack and ALL messaging/CRM programs while also exposing hooks, tags, indices to search by others with authenticated access to that dataflow.

The point of leaning on Git this heavily is that software has eaten the world and Git-based tools have eaten software … accordingly the talent pool of software devs working in Git is huge … but creative-types and biz-dev types and engineering types other than software devs think in terms of what they do, perhaps primarily document-centric or screen-centric workflow designed around their work process, rather than a Git flow.

The exhaustively-annotated, but yet still compact workflow

The plan is to use an ANNOTATED prioritizable, sortable bullet-point checklist for agenda … the artifact of such a checklist, is somewhat like document [or can be printed/emailed as a separate document/spreadsheet/CAD file/etc].

The fully verbose data, with pictures, CAD files, audio with meta-data is stored … in especially compact Git-ified format … in the Git repository, what is so small… because only the DIFFs are actually stored per the graph back to the recent version, ie so multiple copies of data from the current app framework form could be stored extremely efficiently.

So the annotify workflow app would behave like a document … with data for all issues, wiki, projects, affliated email/phone/text conversatiions, verbose commentary, as with a CRM-tool or workorder tool for service technicians being associated with the workflow graph in the distributed version-controlled repositories we use in Git

Which, of course means, that the public repositories would also be entirely forkable and amenable to Git tools. Since behaves like a Git repository, all kinds of tools like GitKraken or would work with it … and entirely mirror-able between BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab and other Git hosts.

SO … frankly, almost of all of has pretty much already been built, RIGHT? Absolutely! In other words, effectively using is just a matter of using and extending the very best of the best Git tools and developing an ANNOTIFY workflow around it [for just an app] … for the not yet, Git-enlightend or those who will always be kind of operating in a serverless Githost-agnostic user fashion, with nothing but a smartphone, tablet or Chromebook.