Socially Annotations of Lists / RSS Feeds / Connected Papers

Reading something does not really give on much insight. The insight comes later after mulling over what was read, sharing an opinion on the reading and, ideally, getting into an argument and defending one’s opinion.

Thus our will necessarily be a social media appliance or plug-in … without the ability to at least share an annotation, we are stuck with only re-reading our own annotations … which is no small thing, but the important part comes from writing something that one knows others might argue over.

EVEN when it’s private your annotations are written to be read by a later version of you, the version of you who is hopefully smarter and more cultivated, the version of you that has cooled off emotionally, the version of you that sees the world differently than the you of right now. The point here is that annotations are necessarily social … even when they are private or restricted to small audience of very similar people.